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Do people still de-claw their pets? Is it illegal in some places? I think it should be illegial?

Ask: Do people still de-claw their pets? Is it illegal in some places? I think it should be illegial?


De-clawing is illegal in England, Scotland, Wales, Italy, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Ireland, Denmark, Finland, Slovenia, Portugal, Belgium, Spain, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand.

I agree that it should be illegal worldwide as not only is it painful, it also prevents animals from behaving normally and being able to climb, balance and grip. It's a very inhumane practise and people who do it should not be allowed animals.

Yes unfortunately some people still do declaw their cats. And yes in many places it is illegal, but not everywhere, but I agree it should be illegal everywhere so that people will have no choice but to stop declawing their poor cats. 

I have only 1 of my 6 cats who is declawed (on all 4 paws) and she came to me that way, luckily she doesn’t have any ill effects from it like many cats too, but she was just lucky that she doesn’t, especially since it is all 4 paws.

It is illegal in most places and it is cruel. How ould you feel if your fingernails were removed.. NOt be able to scratch your back, etc. Get Soft claws installed they are useful and don't hurt the animal. 

Yes, sadly they do. It's legal in most places in the US and Canada. Making it illegal in some cities is a start, but it just makes people go elsewhere to have it done. 

I don't consider it abuse if it's necessary. Like, you would just get your tonsils removed for no reason. My cat used to scratch so bad shed bleed and then the sore would get infected and it was all nasty with cat hair in it and the cat wouldn't let me help it and clean it. 

I want d my cat declawed for that reason. If she didn't act like that I probably would t even consider it but she's harming herself and no vet will declare her point blank period. 

It's illegal in many states. My vet considers it mutilation and refuses to do it.

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