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Wanting a good outdoorsy dog. Help?

So I've been looking into getting another dog and have started doing research on not only finding one that suits me but also finding a trustworthy vet as well.......I think I'm having better luck with the dog searching than for a vet lol. 

Anyway, I'm wanting a dog that would be willing to walk 2 to 4 miles a day, go on hiking trips often as well as camping, have an hour or so of training sessions and something that I can take with me just about everywhere I go. 

Dogs I've looked into are the Australian Cattledog, Karelian Bear Dog and the Chesapeake Bay Retriever. 

What do you all think? What other breeds would you possibly recommend? I'm not wanting a Lab or Golden, those two are too welcoming of strangers and I just don't care for their neurotic personalities.
Update 1: @ CDog - So do you think the Cattledog would be a good choice for me? I'm also considering dog sports as well.
Update 2: Thanks for the suggestion Kat but I am not interested in adopting. I've got my reasons but I'm not going to sit here and name them all.
Update 3: @ CDog- Oh I'm no beginner, I've grown up with many dogs and am actually just now getting back into horseback riding so that would be perfect! I think I'll research this breed some more, so thank you very much for responding!
I've had Cattle Dogs for 25 years. They are great hikers, travelers and watchdogs. Very intelligent, loyal and great off leash. They would be my pick, but of course, I'm prejudiced.

Edit to your update: Yes, if you are experienced with dogs (they aren't beginner dogs). They are very sporty, and as long as they get enough exercise, they are great. Mine go camping, horseback riding, and are excellent frisbee and agility dogs. They also love to swim.

Edit 2: Definitely research, and you're welcome!
Just about any working or sporting breed, and even some of the terriers regardless of size. I see a guy around here who runs a 2 mile-plus hiking trail quite often with a Jack Russell, and I mean run, this guy is going way faster than jogging and the dog more than keeps up with him. You might consider an Airedale. 
I just finished looking after one for a couple of weeks. Great dog, loads of personality, not a common enough breed for overbreeding to have spoiled, low maintenance coat if you can do the clipping yourself. Bit of a handful in some ways, rather mischievous like all terriers, but lots of exercise and good training would take care of a lot of that. 
Not for the inexperienced dog owner IMO. This one was much larger than the breed standard at almost 90 lbs. That's enough dog to handle almost anything. 
welp since you dont want a lab which are to "freindly" which is not a bad thing well probably for protection resasons i understand.Anyway i have a FABOULUS dog however you spell that and he is MIX sharpie and lab he is like a lab mix and brown i would highly suggest a lab mix and the sharpie mix at that because this dog is VERY protective in a good way he is super awesome and sporty with lots of energy and a hell of a freind to have around he opens doors and knocks and runs out in the back yard and loves water and hunting duck and running threw trails and when necessary at parads no one can touch him even when he was a baby he has a attitude towards strangers and if a robber came in the house he would seriously hold his ground he is straight awesome. 
get either a rhodesian ridgeback or a great pyrenees. Both are legendary long distance hikers. Nearly any breed can handle a couple of miles unless they're uber-tiny. 

EDIT; I see you're interested in the Karelian. They're in my FCI judging group. Group 5, section two (hunting spitzes) They are really really independent. (well, they are a spitz after all) but never people aggressive. They're a national treasure of Finland. Strikingly Beautiful dogs, probably not the best pets. Horrible recall.
I own train and breed dogs. I have an Australian Cattle dog. He is an awesome dog. I also breed and train Perro De Presa Canarios. They are a working breed. They can do anything that you want them to do. They do well in dog sports. You failed to mention which dog sports. They compete in Agility, dock diving, obedience, Rally, weight pulling, nose work, protection sports, etc. People hike with them. They hunt with them, They are used to catch wild hogs, and cattle. I've even seen them used to herd goats. They are great family and property protectors.

It is a rare breed from theCanary Island. They are great swimmers too.

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