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My cat eats too much and still begs for food?

My cat has been eating all wet food for almost a year. She is 6 years old and a bit overweight, although I'm afraid she will be obese if we don't stop feeding her so much. 

According to the package, 6 ounces a day is what they should eat, but due to constant begging, we began feeding her 12 ounces a day with 2 6 oz cans. 

She stills gets on our counters and constantly begs us, so we either spray her with water or put her upstairs, but we also want to have a happy cat that isn't always begging for food! 

What should we do? Plz no bs answers


A lot of cats will eat just because they're bored. She needs more stimulation. Toys, scratching posts, cat trees, etc.

Just ignore her. I know it's hard but it's all you can do. Don't fall into the trap of feeding the cat just because it's begging and looks cute. 

Keep all food out of reach, preferably in cupboards or sealed containers. 

Whenever she starts scrounging for food, distract her with something else, like her favourite toy. 

Keep her busy enough to move her attention from eating to playing or sleeping. 

Ken S:
Good for you, better canned then dry. 

Stay away from the gravy sauce types and your cat can eat more quantity without gaining weight. 

If you are feeding lower quality like 9/lives or friskies then maybe step up to fancy feast which is middle grade. The higher the quality the less food they needs
learn about nutrition here

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