She bites, shows her teeth, and barks at me whenever she wants something. If she wants to play, she barks. If she wants to climb on my bed, she barks. If she wants attention, she barks.
Is this normal? I have tried teaching her the quiet command and ignoring her behavior, and rewarding her when she shuts up but to no avail.
Although young puppies don't always bark, some do so I'd not be overly concerned about that. If she's kicking off, this is another thing to be corrected when you feel it's inappropriate. She's probably pushing for attention. Small dogs tend to yap more than big dogs, but excessive yapping can be corrected.
As for the 'biting', if this really is aggressive behaviour, then you have a problem. However, most puppies mouth, especially the more dominant ones. In the nest, they'd 'attack' their siblings which would either result in a yelp and turning away, or a brief spat. The turning away is relevent and is something you might try copying.
Yelp if you like, but often doing that, or any kind of physical correction, will only bring a pushy puppy back for more (Yipee, I'm getting a reaction). What you should do, apart from avoiding getting her quite that geed up, is stand up, say No Biting!, take her outside to empty and back to her bed (preferably at this stage, a crate) with a few biscuits so she doesn't associate the crate/bed with punishment. which should never be the case. She may well complain for a bit, but I'd bet will soon settle down for a nap.
This puppy needs to be into a routine that includes understanding there will be a time for her, exercising, playing, feeding, grooming etc.etc. and then a time that's not for her. Once she's had all her puppy shots, get her into some good local training classes, to help you understand how to handle her, and her to behave.
It is completely normal for puppies to bark but if it is excessive and
you've tried all other options a very gentle but sharp tap on the nose
whilst saying no in a very harsh tone of voice can solve the problem. If
this doesn't work after 3 or 4 times go to your vet or an experienced
dog trainer for advice.
she barks to get something,just don't give in.Tell her "NO" firmly till
she stops.Be more intimidating than her with your body language and
voice or she won't take you seriously.I completely disagree with some
folks here who say that it's a puppy thing or he'll grow out of it.
is probably the most crucial stage of his life where he finds out,what
to do in situations,who's in charge and what is he allowed to do and
what he isn't.So you have to make the rules now or it will escalate and
so will his size.Give her only attention when she is calm (no treats) so
she associates you with calmness.
teaching the speak command first, when she barks say "speak " and give
her a treat but then say "quiet" and as soon as she stops barking give
her a treat, this may help her differentiate between her barking too
much and being rewarded for barking once on command. obviously dont just
give her a treat every time she barks but start off with the speak so
you can move on to the quiet command.
This technique means its ok for
her to bark because it is natural but she'll get rewards if she is quiet
when she is told so because you dont want to have to attempt to stop
her barking when she is older as it will be much more difficult it is
best to start now so she wont know any different, hope this helps :)
Mr. Tims:
Your dog is being very bossy and if you don't correct her she will
slowly start being in charge.when she growls correct her tell her a firm
"NO" and a sound from your mouth like "cchhh"it's effective.
when she
barks tell her "NO" and then ignore her if she tries jumping on you just
push her away don't look at her and be cool to act as if whatever she
is doing isn't working.she will find it's useless to bark but remember
when you correct her and she listens give her a treat and tell her good
girl.don't let her on the bed it's too territorial she can only go on
the bed if you tell her she can.good luck!