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How do I convince my dad to get another dog?

I currently have two dogs. A Siberian husky and a chihuahua / rat terrier mix.
My husky was chosen by my sister, but my sister has moved out.. and she never took care of her dog. His name is Chance (the husky). So Chance is not allowed to come inside because he goes to the restroom inside. My dad told me that I do not have to clean this up as this was not my dog. He's sick of having Chance inside so he left him outside. Chance whines to come inside when it's raining and I feel really bad for him..

However, my chihuahua / terrier (Charlie) is cared for by me. I feed him, I bathe him, he sleeps in my room, when he goes to the restroom in the house I clean it up, when he makes a mess I clean it up, I do a lot. My dad only really gives attention to him when he wants to be pet (of course I pet him too, but you know what I mean). Charlie knows how to sit & stay, goes outside to go to the restroom NEARLY every time, and has lots of love from me. Charlie doesn't have a playmate, no social life, no butt-sniffing, nothing.. Chance tends to push him around to show that he's the boss of the house. I don't have the time to take Charlie to the dog park as I don't drive & my dad is either busy with work or i'm busy with school or yoga, but we have a huge yard!

If I were to choose a dog, i'd get a little teacup chihuahua. Big dogs are very hard for me to take care of and I prefer little dogs. I feel like my dad is basing his opinion on if I should get another dog or not on Chance,

Update 1: Which I do not find fair, as he is not my dog. I would take care of Chance.. but he's gotten older and now he won't even let me pet him. I've written out the reasons why I want a dog & the cons and pros about getting a new dog, all of my responsibilities, etc.. My dad still is not convinced that I should get another dog.
I have a lot of anxiety and one of my biggest fears is my dog passing away, he's getting old. (Charlie is 9 and Chance is 10). I feel like if I had another dog that I wouldn't
Update 2: Lose everything, i'd lose part of something I love, but i'd still have support from another best friend.
I honestly don't know how else I can convince my dad. Please leave some advice for me.. No rude comments. Thank you so much in advance. 
Update 3: I also have really great grades and keep up with schoolwork, so it's not like i'm too busy for another dog.
I understa
nd that everybody is upset that my dog Chance is outside. I have paid attention to him and I go out and pet him a lot. My dad will not let him in the house.. I would love to bring him in and have him inside. He was not trained, my sister said she would train him when we got him, but never did. Charlie is trained, to sit, stay, and walk on a leash. Do not tell me that i'm the wrong one here, I would like to have Chance in!
I don't understand all this 'her dog', 'my dog' stuff - these two dogs are FAMILY DOGS and as such, it should be anybody in the family who looks after the dog. Further, I don't understand at all why getting a third dog is going to do anything other than bring another innocent dog into this already difficult situation.

I'd also suggest, like others, that if the Husky isn't being able to live in with the family, or being looked after if he has to live out (proper kennelling, adequate exercise etc?) then you all find a good home for the Husky where he can be living a decent life.

You dad is right - no third dog!!
You don't need another dog, you need to train the ones you already have. There are lot's of YouTube videos on it. I guarantee that if you can train both of your dogs and housebreak Chance, you would be much happier, and if you still wanted another dog, your father might change his mind because he sees you as a much more responsible owner. 
Try taking your dogs for a walk at least four times a week. A husky especially needs a lot of exercise. And if your dad still won't let Chance in the house, build her a doghouse that has enough room for a bed and food and water bowls. Maybe even some toys. 
I think you need to get a clearer perspective on taking care of BOTH dogs.

Chance is still a family dog, it's just that he has a different temperment and personality (just like humans do). Also, he was not properly trained when he was younger, that's why he doesn't know the rules in the house. 
Perhaps if you can manage to potty train BOTH Chance and Charlie to go to the bathroom OUTSIDE the house, then your dad will see you as a more mature and responsible owner. Maybe then he would be more willing to consider adding a new pet. 
You need to save chance. Take him over and housebreak him. What your dad is doing is SO wrong. Huskies are not the easiest breed in the world but they are smart and can easily be housebroken when you find their key. Sounds like Chance's is being allowed back in with the family. Use it. Once Chance is trained your chances of getting your own dog skyrocket. Poor Chance and shame on your sister, and you and your dad as well. If you don't help Chance you don't deserve another dog. Ever.
You don't. You have one dog who's neglected and ignored, that no one has bothered to train. That's cruel to just leave him outside. You have in indoor dog that no one has bothered to train and no one exercise. Dogs are a huge responsibility, meaning we have to give up a LOT to properly train and housebreak them. 
You don't need another dog, you need to do more with the pets you already have. Check in to a reputable Husky rescue for that poor dog, and get the one you have properly trained. An adult dog should not be making messes in the house - ever. At that point, and only then, should you even consider getting another dog. And understand that would be the end of the after school activities, as you have responsibilities when you have a dog.

Dogs don't need a social life with another dog, they need their human to play with them, walk them, train them and so on. Another dog you don't take care of is not the answer.
If you don't have the time now to play with, walk or train Chance - your family's husky - who NEEDS some exercise and a friend badly....

Where are you going to find the time to train a new dog?

Chance could be an AMAZING dog if someone would spend time with him! Teach him to pull you on your bike - like I did with my Husky. We would go miles and it was great fun.

You don't need another dog - you need to spend MORE time with the ones you already have.

There is a dog in your yard that with some training could be your best friend.
I would say that if you both aren't really happy with chance or willing to train him or anything, give him to someone who will. Training is important, especially for large dogs, and I'm sure there's a family out there willing to train him and keep him in their house. 
Keeping dogs outside all the time can be bad for the dog most places it's even illegal to leave a dog outside without some kind of cover from the elements - so a doghouse - so if you're leaving him outside with no cover that's animal abuse.

But yeah if neither of you really spend time with the husky or want him I'd suggest selling him or giving him to a good home because I'm sure he wants love and attention just as much as your chihuahua. Plus your dad might consider letting you get a dog yourself if you get rid of the husky.
But the opinion of whether to get a third dog or not IS based on your current dogs. You have an untrained do GB who isn't getting enough training or socialization, who sits outside alone. You don't need a third dig when you have one who is essentially neglected already

Life isn't about "fair"
It isn't "fair" that change is neglected just because no one wants to train him. So, he isn't a cute wittle purse dog. Your family has NO business getting a 3rd dog when one is still sitting outside neglected.
Comments you dont like are not rude. Its not fair to leave a dog whining outside.

Rehome the poor thing then think about getting another.
And learn how to house train both dogs. You just take them to their toilet spot once an hour and reward them for using it.
You have one dog in the house that wasn't trained properly and no one gives a crap about. Yet, you want another dog in the house, This is so selfish, ignorant, short sighted, that I really can't even comprehend the thought process. 

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