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Cat keeps on rubbing around my legs ?

It arches it's back and rubs around my legs purring, it's a rag doll cat and when I pet it it doesn't seem to want me to do that 
Always allow your cat to sniff your hand before attempting to pet it. Don't stare in their eyes too much, blink slowly at them and the cat should reply (means "I'm not here for a fight") if the cat blinks and turns it head away leave them in peace because they just want to ignore you right now, if you touch they may complain bite or scratch. 
Cats usually despise surprises, avoid making it jump with the petting or it won't trust you. Rag dolls are usually pretty affectionate at their own pace. The rubbing is scent marking behaviour, and cats often do this while bothering their owners for food, or just as affection.  
I'm kinda surprised at the answer that you awarded "best" to.
Kitty is simply hugging you. 

Yeah yeah yeah I'm familiar with the whole "cat is marking you" explanation, which I myself do believe, but again I just refer to that behavior as kitty hugs. And because I'm bigger than every cat I've ever or will ever own, I decide when and how it's gonna be pet. 
If Sage doesn't like it she's free to leave and sit/lay/play/hangout elsewhere. The arrangement has worked for Sage and I and all Kitties I've had before Her, including Jennifur, her son Fatty, Scraps and her brother Little Man. And it will also work when I get the classic tabby I want that'll be named Zappa.  
Every cat has its own personality and preferences. When cats rub you they are marking you with their scent, basically "claiming" you. This cat may need to warm up to you, possibly over days or weeks, before it will relax and let you pet it. 
If you want to get to a petting place with the cat try just putting your hand close to it next time it is rubbing your legs. If it starts to rub your hand then you can gradually, at the cats pace, start to pet it.
What's the question? When a cat rubs on your legs it's covering you with it's scent, basically telling other cats "this human is my human". Your cat just might not like being touched - that doesn't mean it's not affectionate, it just means it doesn't like the feeling of being touched.

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